New sense of conversation escape game? !nAnd trying to escape from the bad man of bullshit! !
『働いたら負け』『世の中が悪い』『自分はまだ本気を出してないから大丈夫』あなたの周りにもこんな事ほざいてるダメ人間いませんか?このアプリではそんなダメ人間の言い訳が容赦なく襲ってきます。さぁ、救いのないダメ人間ワールドから脱出しましょう!ダメ人間の戯言から3択の返事を選んで、会話を終わらせよう!マルチエンディング採用!!ダメ人間が下す5つの行き先とは・・・?!*********************あらすじ*********************ある日高校時代からの悪友から連絡が来ます。何の用かと思いきや、単に仕事をクビになったので話し相手になれと。。こっちは明日仕事で朝早いのに。。なんとか上手くダメ人間の戯言を切り抜けて、この会話から脱出しましょう!!**************************************************タイトルBGM歌詞マジで救いのないダメ人間言い訳ばかりでマジ勘弁部屋でいつもネトゲー対戦やることないから毎日がWEEK END"Negative After working""The world is bad.""Okay because I have not yet issued a serious"Do not you have bad human beings have such a thing Hozai also around you?Such useless human excuse will have struck mercilessly with this app.Now, lets escape from bad human world without salvation!3 Select-choice reply from bad human shit will Owaraseyo the conversation!Multiple endings adoption! !... The five destinations that useless man make? !********************* Synopsis *********************Contact is coming from bad company from one day in high school.I think what if use, just as becoming the conversation partner because was fired the work. .Here though early morning at work tomorrow. .In survive somehow well of useless human bullshit, lets escape from this conversation! !**************************************************Title BGM lyricsUseless human no salvation SeriouslySeriously pardon only excuseAlways massively multiplayer online role playing game play in the roomnever to do because every day WEEK END